Consultant - Evaluation in Tanzania
Location: , MD
Employment Type: Full Time
Department: Other
Lutheran World Relief (LWR) is a non-governmental organization founded
in 1945 to respond to the needs of communities devastated by World War
II. Today LWR works with local implementing partners in Asia, Africa and
Latin America to respond to emergencies and seek lasting solutions to
rural poverty. LWR works in three core thematic areas of agriculture,
climate change and emergency operations. Within agriculture LWR focuses
on creating strong local economies and resilient communities through
work on the core program areas of agriculture value chain, food
security, rural financing, cooperative strengthening, climate smart
agriculture, and water.
LWR seeks an evaluator to conduct an ex post evaluation of an
agriculture value chain project that ended in 2015. The project's final
evaluation focused on its relevance, effectiveness, and efficiency. Now
that some time has passed, LWR would like to examine the project's
sustainability and impact.
The project: From 2012 to 2015, Lutheran World Relief Tanzania (LWR), in
collaboration with four Agricultural Marketing Cooperatives (AMCOS)
UWAZAMAM, MAMCOS, UWAZAMAH and GAWAYE, implemented the Grape Value Chain
and Food Security project. The project worked with other stakeholders
in the grape sector in Dodoma region who included processors such as
CETAWICO, Bihawana and ALKO VINTAGES, traders, government extension
systems, research institutions and financial institutions. LWR Tanzania
ended its relationship with MAMCOS (in Mbabala) in 2012, GAWAYE (in
Gawaye) in 2014, and UWAZAMAH (in Hombolo) 2012. This evaluation will
therefore primarily look at the work with UWAZAMAM, but some contact
with individuals from other partner AMCOs is expected.
The project goal was to strengthen the development of the grape value
chain to ensure year-round food security and contribute to increased
incomes of smallholder farmers in Dodoma region. In order to reach that
goal the following objectives were pursued:
1. By 2015 increase high quality grape production of 2,000 smallholder
grape farmers in Dodoma region by 50% through enhanced access to and use
of quality agricultural inputs.2. Improve marketing systems, linkages
with processors and the capacity of agricultural marketing cooperatives
to ensure fair prices of TZS700 to 1,000 per kilo for the sale of grapes
for 2,000 smallholder farmers in Dodoma region.
This is the first time LWR will conduct an ex-post evaluation of one of
its projects. This is therefore not only an exercise to explore a
specific project's results but also to gain institutional experience in
conducting ex-post evaluations and interpreting their findings.
Internally, this evaluation will be used to
Make informed decisions about future LWR programming that is related to
this project's focus of supporting an agriculture value chain with an
internationally-traded commodity with high standards for quality;
Learn more about LWR's sustainability and impact; and
Improve LWR's project design for greater sustainability and impact.Externally, this evaluation will be used to:
Showcase to donors LWR's sustainability and impact with strong evidence;
Provide examples for best practices (and practices to avoid) with peer
organizations, especially related to sustainability and impact; and
Explore findings with project participants and implementing partners to reflect on this experience.
The Evaluation Objectivesa. To evaluate the project results'
sustainability since the end of the projectb. To evaluate the project
results' impact since the end of the project
The Evaluation Questions associated with each objectivea. Sustainability
i. Access to resources from financial institutions was an important
aspect of the project but had minimal results by the project's end. Were
partners able to leverage the project's training and support in this
area afterward? Has access to financial institutions improved,
decreased, or ended since the end of the project? ii. Access to markets
for grapes improved during the project. What value chain relationships
endured? Have any new relationships evolved?b. Impacti. What are the key
impacts of the project for the targeted organizations and farmers? Did
men, women, boys, and girls experience the effects differently?
Some impacts that were mentioned during the final evaluation were the
extension services models used, such as Training the Trainer and Farmer
Field Schools. Have these models continued or evolved? Have extension
services continued on the same trend as during the project?
Household income based from grape sales increased according to the
project's final evaluation. Has this trend been maintained or improved
since the end of the project?
The percentage of household incomes spent on food generally decreased during the project. Has this trend been maintained?
What other impacts from the project are considered important by the
targeted organizations and farmers?ii. What recommendations from the
project's final evaluation and subsequent studies were implemented? What
were the results? Did men, women, boys, and girls experience the
results differently? iii. What are the perspectives of implementing
partners on the project's long-term effects? Did men and women
experience the effects differently?iv. What are some stories that
document shifts in power relationships (between men and women,
LWR-Partner, NGO-community members, government-community, buyers-sellers
etc.) as a result of project participation?
The total beneficiary population: 2000 smallholder grape farming
households4. The beneficiary population's geographical dispersion:
Within the Dodoma region, Mbabala, Mpunguzi, Hombolo and Gawaye areas
LWR anticipates using a mixed methodology approach for this evaluation
that will include reviewing available project data sources and designing
a methodology to collect both quantitative and qualitative data. LWR
prefers methods that are rigorous and that allow for some analysis on
the part of the people providing the information. Examples of such
methods could include, but are not limited to, Most Significant Change,
PhotoVoice, or Qualitative Impact Assessment Protocol. While an
evaluator may choose to use conventional methods (surveys, key informant
interviews, focus group discussions), an ideal methodology will mix
those methods with a robust method that invites participatory analysis.
Creative use of data collection, participatory data analysis, and
presentation of findings that maximize the usefulness of the evaluation
will be very important. The evaluator will work closely with LWR to
finalize the methodology, sample size, data collection tools and the
work plan before field work. The ex-post evaluator will define the
methodology. The evaluator will make selected visits to the sites of
his/her choice based on the sample size. The ex-post evaluator may
propose other approaches that might more effectively answer the
evaluation questions.
The evaluator is welcome to propose other methods that align with the
evaluation's purpose and provide a platform to answer the evaluation
LWR prefers that at least one member of the evaluation team be
Tanzanian. We may be able to match international evaluators who do not
have their own Tanzanian connections with in-country evaluators and
welcome proposals that can accommodate that kind of matching.
Expected deliverables include:o Inception Plan (LWR will provide a
template)o Draft evaluation report and/or slides explaining high-level
findings for reviewo Final evaluation report (in narrative form)o
Stand-alone evaluation summary document that clearly identifies main
findings and recommendations for actions based on the findings (LWR will
provide a template)o One or more Slide Deck(s) that outline: Project
context/history/main interventions that help make the findings easier
to understand Evaluation methodology Main Findings linked to
evaluation questionsRecommendations based on findings, supported with
evidence from the evaluation or from peer-reviewed literature
Planning and coordination ahead of data collection, especially to
finalize evaluation methodology, will be managed at LWR HQ by LWR's
Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Manager, Wendi Bevins
( and LWR's Program Quality Director, Garrett Schiche
(, who will participate in data collection and be the
main point of contact throughout data analysis/interpretation and
finalizing main deliverables. LWR Tanzania's Senior Program Manager
Moses Kabogo ( will coordinate on-the-ground logistics
and participant preparation, with LWR's Africa Regional Program Manager
Leah Hoffman ( backstopping as necessary. These staff
will provide all necessary background documentation, an orientation to
LWR and its work in Tanzania, and introductions to relevant AMCO staff
and other project stakeholders.
The exact timeframe and activities will be negotiated with the selected
evaluator, though the major required deliverables are stated here. June -
Inception Report
Data Collection
Share slides or outline outlining high-level findings with LWR and partner
Meeting to discuss high-level findings with LWR and partner, via slides/outline
Incorporate feedback and update slides/outline (evaluator), prepare
materials for presentation to project participants (LWR Tanzania,
partner) August
Meeting with project participants to validate findings (partner, LWR Tanzania, evaluator if possible)
Incorporate feedback from project participants and continue revising report
First draft written report
LWR review and provide feedback on report
Present findings to LWR leadershipSeptember
Final draft written report, executive summary, slide deck(s)
Sept 25-26 Board of Directors meeting presentation
The required qualifications of consultant(s)
Individuals, teams, firms, or research institutions will be considered
Demonstrated experience in ex-post evaluation or evaluations similar to this assignment
Familiarity with East African agricultural value chains preferred
At least ten years' experience working with grassroots organizations
related to rural agricultural development, with at least five years
specifically on monitoring and evaluation.
Ability to speak, read, and write in professional level English required; ability to speak and read Swahili advantageous
Ability to present findings and answer questions for LWR leadership and
board of directors, in addition to day-to-day collaboration with
regional and technical staff, required
LWR prefers that at least one member of the evaluation team be
Tanzanian. We may be able to match international evaluators who do not
have their own Tanzanian connections with in-country evaluators and
welcome proposals that can accommodate that kind of matching.
Applications should include
Expression of interest (up to 3 pages) outlining the summary of relevant
previous experience and the proposed approach in undertaking this
evaluation, with budget (see next section for details)
Latest curriculum vitae (of main consultant and any supporting team members)
Two-page description of the data collection and analysis process for a
similar study that includes whether and how stakeholders' interpretation
was integrated into the findings
Contact information of three references for similar services offered
Application procedureComplete applications should be submitted as
attachments to an email to Wendi Bevins ( and Garrett
Schiche (
The subject line should read: Tanzania Grape Ex Post Evaluation Deadline
for the submission of bids is on June 15, 2018 by 5pm Eastern Standard
Time (US)Applicants who do not follow application instructions will be
rejected. ONLY short listed candidates will be contacted.
The proposed approach in the application should include a proposed
budget. Budget should include an estimated level of effort for all
consultants involved from design to completion of deliverables. It
should also include costs associated with travel to and within Tanzania
(flights, hotel, daily expenses) and hiring local enumerators or
translators. LWR will cover expenses related to vehicle hire during data
collection in Dodoma. LWR will also support logistical arrangements
within Dodoma. LWR does not have access to digital means of data
collection (except digital cameras), so if the proposed methodology
requires smartphones or tablets, the consultant will need to provide
them for as many enumerators are necessary for the methodology.
ANNEXESAnnex 1: Final Project Evaluation
The recruiting organization, Lutheran World Relief (LWR), has either not
specified a closing date for this vacancy, or continues to list jobs
after their stated closing date. Because such positions may remain open,
they are listed here until removed from the recruiting organization's
website. Click the button below to verify its current status.